Thursday, October 31, 2013

What Big Teeth You Have Grandma....

This year I decided to make an illusion costume which I found to be more challenging than I expected. There was a couple of days that I just wanted to abort the entire project and just go to Party City. However, I stuck it out and finished it. 

**Thank you YouTube for the tutorial!!!**


I am not going to explain how I make it because honestly, I am not sure how to explain it since I combined three different methods together.

As my husband was passing out candy, I was walking up and down the driveway looking for my arm. The kids were afraid and parents were amazed so it was a win-win for me!

King Jaffe Joffer Costume

As my Halloween party approached quickly, I had a great idea for my husband's homemade costume. Just about everyone has seen the classic movie Coming to America, starring Eddie Murphy. My hubby would make a great King Jaffe Joffer! I must say that creating this costume was so much fun and inexpensive.

He went home with first prize!